Can SQL Server with Entra Authentication accept pre-Windows 2000 identifiers?
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Can SQL Server with Entra Authentication accept pre-Windows 2000 identifiers?

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Are you trying to configure SQL Server with Entra Authentication, but wondering if it can accept pre-Windows 2000 identifiers? Well, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of SQL Server and Entra Authentication, exploring the possibilities and limitations of using pre-Windows 2000 identifiers.

What is Entra Authentication?

Before we dive into the main topic, let’s take a quick look at what Entra Authentication is. Entra Authentication is a security feature in SQL Server that allows users to authenticate using their Windows credentials. This feature is built on top of the Windows authentication protocol, Kerberos, and provides secure authentication and authorization for SQL Server.

What are pre-Windows 2000 identifiers?

Pre-Windows 2000 identifiers, also known as NT4-style SIDs (Security Identifiers), are a type of identifier used in older Windows operating systems, such as Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98. These identifiers are based on the username and domain name, and are used to identify users and groups in the Windows authentication system.

With the introduction of Windows 2000, Microsoft introduced a new type of identifier, known as the UPN (User Principal Name), which is based on the username and domain name, but also includes additional information, such as the forest and domain DNS names.

Can SQL Server with Entra Authentication accept pre-Windows 2000 identifiers?

Now, let’s get to the main question. Can SQL Server with Entra Authentication accept pre-Windows 2000 identifiers? The short answer is: it depends.

SQL Server 2012 and later versions can accept pre-Windows 2000 identifiers, but only under certain conditions. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Windows Authentication must be enabled on the SQL Server instance.
  • The security identification parameter must be set to NTLM.
  • The pre-Windows 2000 identifier must be in the format DOMAIN\username.
  • The domain must be a Windows NT 4.0 domain or a Windows 2000 domain in mixed mode.

If these conditions are met, SQL Server with Entra Authentication can accept pre-Windows 2000 identifiers. However, if the domain is a Windows 2000 domain in native mode or later, SQL Server will not accept pre-Windows 2000 identifiers.

Configuring SQL Server for pre-Windows 2000 identifiers

So, how do you configure SQL Server to accept pre-Windows 2000 identifiers? Here are the steps:

  1. Enable Windows Authentication on the SQL Server instance:
  2. Set the security identification parameter to NTLM:
  3. Restart the SQL Server service.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you should be able to connect to the SQL Server instance using pre-Windows 2000 identifiers.

Troubleshooting common issues

When working with pre-Windows 2000 identifiers and Entra Authentication, you may encounter some issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Issue Solution
Error 18456: Login failed for user ‘DOMAIN\username’ Check the username and domain name for typos, and ensure the domain is a Windows NT 4.0 domain or a Windows 2000 domain in mixed mode.
Error 18452: Login failed for user ‘username’ Check the username for typos, and ensure the username is in the format DOMAIN\username.
SQL Server Instance not accepting pre-Windows 2000 identifiers Check the security identification parameter, and ensure it is set to NTLM.


In conclusion, SQL Server with Entra Authentication can accept pre-Windows 2000 identifiers, but only under certain conditions. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to configure your SQL Server instance to accept pre-Windows 2000 identifiers. Remember to troubleshoot any issues you may encounter, and don’t hesitate to seek further assistance if needed.

With Entra Authentication and pre-Windows 2000 identifiers, you can provide secure and seamless authentication for your users, even in legacy environments. So, go ahead and give it a try!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the maximum length of a pre-Windows 2000 identifier?

A: The maximum length of a pre-Windows 2000 identifier is 256 characters.

Q: Can I use pre-Windows 2000 identifiers with SQL Server 2008?

A: No, SQL Server 2008 does not support pre-Windows 2000 identifiers with Entra Authentication.

Q: What is the difference between NTLM and Kerberos authentication?

A: NTLM is an older authentication protocol used in Windows NT 4.0 and earlier, while Kerberos is a more secure authentication protocol used in Windows 2000 and later.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Happy troubleshooting!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on SQL Server with Entra Authentication and its compatibility with pre-Windows 2000 identifiers!

Can SQL Server with Entra Authentication accept pre-Windows 2000 identifiers?

The short answer is yes! SQL Server with Entra Authentication can accept pre-Windows 2000 identifiers, but with some caveats. It’s essential to ensure that the identifiers are in the correct format, which is typically a domain\username or [email protected] format. Additionally, the domain must be trusted by the operating system, and the SQL Server instance must be configured to use the correct authentication mode.

What happens if the pre-Windows 2000 identifier is not in the correct format?

If the pre-Windows 2000 identifier is not in the correct format, you might encounter issues with authentication. In such cases, you can use the built-in function `DOMAIN_USERNAME()` to convert the identifier into the correct format. This function takes the domain and username as input and returns a string in the correct format.

Are there any specific configuration changes required for Entra Authentication to work with pre-Windows 2000 identifiers?

Yes, you’ll need to configure the SQL Server instance to use the correct authentication mode. You’ll need to enable the ‘Windows Authentication’ mode and specify the correct domain or realm. Additionally, you might need to configure the Entra Authentication provider to use the correct protocol (e.g., Kerberos or NTLM) and settings.

Can I use pre-Windows 2000 identifiers with other authentication modes, like SQL Server Authentication?

No, pre-Windows 2000 identifiers are only compatible with Windows Authentication mode. If you’re using SQL Server Authentication, you’ll need to use the newer, more secure identifier formats.

What are the security implications of using pre-Windows 2000 identifiers with Entra Authentication?

Using pre-Windows 2000 identifiers can introduce security risks, as they are less secure than newer identifier formats. It’s essential to weigh the benefits of using these identifiers against the potential security risks and consider implementing additional security measures, such as multi-factor authentication, to mitigate these risks.

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