Mastering Choices.js: Limit the Displayed Search Results to 10 (minimum) with Ease
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Mastering Choices.js: Limit the Displayed Search Results to 10 (minimum) with Ease

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Are you tired of overwhelming search results that leave your users drowning in a sea of options? Do you want to provide a more streamlined and user-friendly experience? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore how to limit the displayed search results to 10 (minimum) using Choices.js, a popular and versatile JavaScript library for creating dropdowns and autocomplete inputs.

What is Choices.js?

Choices.js is a lightweight, configurable, and highly customizable JavaScript library that allows you to create dropdowns, autocomplete inputs, and other interactive elements for your web applications. With its robust feature set and ease of use, Choices.js has become a popular choice among developers and designers.

Why Limit Search Results?

Limiting search results is essential for several reasons:

  • Improved User Experience**: By limiting the number of search results, you can reduce visual clutter and make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for.
  • Faster Load Times**: Fewer search results mean less data to load, resulting in faster page load times and improved performance.
  • Reduced Information Overload**: Limiting search results helps prevent information overload, which can lead to decision paralysis and decreased user engagement.

Setting Up Choices.js

Before we dive into limiting search results, let’s cover the basics of setting up Choices.js. You can include Choices.js in your project by either downloading the library or using a CDN:

// Using a CDN
<script src="[email protected]/dist/choices.min.js"></script>

// Downloading the library
<script src="choices.min.js"></script>

Once you’ve included Choices.js, create a container element for your search input:

<div id="search-input"></div>

Now, initialize Choices.js by creating a new instance and passing the container element as an argument:

const choices = new Choices('#search-input', {
  searchEnabled: true,
  searchChoices: ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape', 'kiwi'],

Limiting Search Results with Choices.js

To limit the displayed search results to 10 (minimum) using Choices.js, you can use the `searchResultLimit` option. This option allows you to set a maximum number of search results to display. If you want to set a minimum number of search results, you can use the `searchFloor` option in conjunction with `searchResultLimit`.

Here’s an updated initialization code snippet that limits the search results to 10 (minimum):

const choices = new Choices('#search-input', {
  searchEnabled: true,
  searchChoices: ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape', 'kiwi', 'strawberry', 'pineapple', 'peach', 'cherry', 'lemon', 'lime', 'mango', 'papaya'],
  searchResultLimit: 10,
  searchFloor: 10,

In this example, we’ve set `searchResultLimit` to 10, which means Choices.js will display a maximum of 10 search results. We’ve also set `searchFloor` to 10, which ensures that at least 10 search results are displayed, even if there are fewer matches.

Customizing the Search Results

Choices.js provides several options for customizing the search results. Here are a few examples:

Filtering Search Results

You can filter search results using the `searchFilter` option. This function allows you to filter out unwanted search results based on your custom logic.

const choices = new Choices('#search-input', {
  searchEnabled: true,
  searchChoices: ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape', 'kiwi', 'strawberry', 'pineapple', 'peach', 'cherry', 'lemon', 'lime', 'mango', 'papaya'],
  searchResultLimit: 10,
  searchFloor: 10,
  searchFilter: (choice, searchString) => {
    return choice.includes(searchString) && choice.length > 5;

In this example, we’ve implemented a simple filter that only includes search results that contain the search string and have a length greater than 5 characters.

Displaying Custom Search Results

You can customize the display of search results using the `renderChoiceLimit` option. This function allows you to customize the HTML content of each search result.

const choices = new Choices('#search-input', {
  searchEnabled: true,
  searchChoices: ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape', 'kiwi', 'strawberry', 'pineapple', 'peach', 'cherry', 'lemon', 'lime', 'mango', 'papaya'],
  searchResultLimit: 10,
  searchFloor: 10,
  renderChoiceLimit: (choice) => {
    return `<div><span>${choice}</span></div>`;

In this example, we’ve implemented a custom render function that wraps each search result in a `

` element with a `` element inside.

Best Practices for Limiting Search Results

When limiting search results, it’s essential to consider the following best practices:

  1. Keep it Relevant**: Ensure that the limited search results are relevant to the user’s search query.
  2. Provide Feedback**: Use feedback mechanisms, such as loading indicators or placeholder text, to keep users informed about the search process.
  3. Offer Alternative Options**: Provide alternative options, such as pagination or load more buttons, to allow users to access more search results.
  4. Test and Refine**: Test your search implementation with different scenarios and refine your approach based on user feedback and performance metrics.


In this article, we’ve explored how to limit the displayed search results to 10 (minimum) using Choices.js. By following the instructions and best practices outlined above, you can create a more streamlined and user-friendly search experience for your users.

Remember to experiment with different customization options and fine-tune your search implementation to meet your specific use case requirements.

Option Description
searchResultLimit Sets the maximum number of search results to display.
searchFloor Sets the minimum number of search results to display.
searchFilter Allows you to filter search results based on custom logic.
renderChoiceLimit Customizes the display of search results.

By mastering Choices.js and its various options, you can create a search experience that delights your users and sets your application apart from the competition.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Limit the displayed search results to 10 (minimum) using Choices.js” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about limiting search results with Choices.js!

Why do I need to limit search results in the first place?

Limiting search results helps prevent information overload and makes it easier for users to find what they’re looking for. With Choices.js, you can easily set a minimum limit of 10 results to ensure a meaningful search experience.

How do I integrate Choices.js into my project?

To get started with Choices.js, simply include the library in your HTML file, initialize it, and configure the options to your liking. You can then use the `choices` function to create a searchable dropdown with a minimum of 10 search results displayed.

Can I customize the appearance of the search results?

Absolutely! Choices.js provides a range of customization options, including templating, to help you tailor the appearance of your search results to your project’s unique style. You can even add custom classes or styles to further enhance the look and feel.

How do I handle cases where there are fewer than 10 search results?

With Choices.js, you can specify a minimum number of results to display, but it will only show the actual number of results if there are fewer than the minimum. For example, if you set the minimum to 10 but there are only 5 matching results, Choices.js will display all 5 results.

Is Choices.js compatible with my existing JavaScript framework?

Yes! Choices.js is a lightweight, standalone library that can be easily integrated with popular JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js. It’s designed to be framework-agnostic, so you can use it with confidence in your existing project.

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